
Energy Field Healing and … Hotel Rooms ?? Thinking about “The Energy of Places”

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(Clue:  the energy of people seeps into places, and the energy of places affects people)

How do you feel about staying in hotels?  I always liked the idea – who wouldn’t? -  a few nights where someone else sorts breakfast and does the tidying and cleaning, a brief holiday from all the domestic tasks.

Sometimes in the past though, it didn’t turn out as well as I hoped.  There were times I didn’t feel comfortable in the hotel room.  I didn’t sleep well.  I put it down to being in a strange place and not my own bed.  Years later, I discovered there was more to it than that.

When I started to learn about energy, first my Crystal Therapy teacher, then my Reiki teacher and then my Energy Field Healing teacher all spoke about the Energy of Places.  It began to make sense. 

The simple fact is, the energy of people – their emotional and thought energies – seeps into the places they spend time in;  and the energy of places – affected by lots of people over time – can then affect anyone else who comes into that place.   This includes not just hotel rooms, but offices, public buildings like hospitals and shops, and even your own home.

If you think about this, you will recognise it.  The feeling of a place, or a room.  Some places are comfortable and welcoming.  In others we don’t feel so easy.  There are stories that old battlefields feel odd, sometimes its said birds don’t sing there. 

I find hotel rooms a particular issue – perhaps because they have so many people in and out of them.  Every few nights the occupant/s of a room change, and so more energy is added.  A cleaner comes in every day, sometimes different cleaners, adding their energies. 

This really came home to me one night in a large hotel in the north of England, not long after I had completed my Energy Field Healing training.  On a couple of days break with my husband, we had dinner and settled to sleep in our room.  Except I couldn’t sleep.  I felt restless, with odd thoughts and unsettling emotions disturbing me.   By 3.00am I was growing frustrated.  I thought, almost aloud – ‘What is this?  This isn’t me!’   Then the penny dropped – hotel room!  Lots of people!  Lots of energies!   Damn!  In the joy of a few days holiday, I’d forgotten.  In a second I was up and out of bed, checking the room, and myself, and clearing both using my Energy Field Healing skills. 

Almost instantly the room felt better, calmer, and so did I.  Back into bed and I was fast asleep within a couple of minutes.  Bliss!  

Every model of healing has its own way of clearing the energy of a space, whether that is the symbols of Reiki, the smudging of shamanic work, or the techniques of Energy Field Healing.  I’ve come to find the Energy Field Healing model the most detailed and useful in this instance.  As healers we clear the energy of a room before we do healing, so it is an energetically ‘clean’ space for us and for the client, and this is the way I most commonly clear any hotel bedroom I use.   

For my family I use the same techniques to keep the energy of our home clear and balanced and uplifting.  I feel it helps with life generally and keeps us all calmer and more grounded.  

These skills are covered in the FOUNDATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ENERGY FIELD HEALING and the next course starts in SEPTEMBER 2023.  

If you’d like to learn these, and other healing skills, come and join me.   You’ll find more details at


DISCLAIMER (The Small Print)       

These are just my current thoughts. 

Thoughts can change as we learn and grow.

You may disagree with me, but I am nevertheless entitled to my thoughts.

It is important you always make up your own mind - about everything.

I am not you, and don’t know you or the details of your life. 

Therefore, you are responsible for any decisions or changes you make as a result of reading my thoughts.